Boonville Hotel & Restaurant
14050 Hwy. 128, Boonville 95415 Itinéraire
Cuisine américaine

Informations complémentaires

  • Cuisine américaine
  • Air conditionné
  • Repas en terrasse
  • Amex
  • Mastercard
  • Visa

Informations pratiques


Unless you’re already staying at the hotel, dinner here means driving along the lonely, hairpin-turning, and mountainous course of Highway 128 until you reach the quaint town of Boonville. But what a happy place it is, thanks to the talents of Chef Perry Hoffman, who prepares simple but arresting plates highlighting product sourced from their own vegetable garden and local farms. A recent menu showcased roasted sunchokes tossed with a rosemary vinaigrette; braised pork set in a pool of red floriani polenta made ultra-creamy with Pecorino Romano and parmesan; as well as a decadent chocolate brownie with cardamom ice cream.
This is food that’s easy to eat—again and again. Opening hours change with the season and the menu daily, so check the website before making the drive.


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